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Chinese Consulate General in Kolkata holds 73rd National Day Celebration

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Chinese Consulate General in Kolkata holds 73rd National Day Celebration

Chinese Consulate General in Kolkata holds 73rd National Day Celebration
September 29
10:04 2022

Kolkata : The Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Kolkata held a reception in West Bengal to celebrate the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Chinese Consul General in Kolkata Mr. Zha Liyou, West Bengal Government representative Mr. Anurag Srivastava (IAS), Former Chairman of the Lalit Kala Akademi Mr. Kalyan Kumar Chakravarty, Biju Janata Dal General Secretary Mr. Priyadarshi Mishra, Former Sports Authority of India East & Northeast Director Mr. Manmeet Singh Goindi, Kolkata MMIC Mr. Sandipan Saha, President of All India Overseas Chinese Association Chen Yaohua, together with representatives from business, universities and schools, thinktanks, consular corps, media, Chinese community, Chinese companies etc., amounting to nearly 600 people, were present. The reception coincided with the celebration of the Durga Puja by the people of West Bengal. The reception was decorated with lanterns and flowers in a warm, friendly and festive atmosphere.Mr. Zha pointed out in his speech that since the founding of the People’s Republic of China 73 years ago, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese people have made tortuous efforts, struggled to find a development path that suits China’s national conditions, and achieved the first centenary goal on the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the CPC. In today’s China, the people have faith, the nation has hope, and the country has strength. The nation’s construction has made remarkable achievements, and the Chinese people have lived a good and happy life.Mr. Zha said that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will be held soon. This is a very important meeting held at a critical moment when the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups are embarking on a new journey to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way and marching towards the second centenary goal. The conference will comprehensively summarize the major achievements and valuable experience of China’s reform and development, fully grasp the new requirements for the development of China and new expectations from the people in the new era and new journey, adhere to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization, and continue to actively promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, to bring new opportunities to the world with China’s new development, and contribute wisdom and strength to world’s peaceful development and theprogress of human civilization.Mr. Zha said that as General Secretary Xi Jinping advocated in his speech at the SCO Samarkand Summit not long ago, we must firmly grasp the trend of the times, continuously strengthen solidarity and cooperation; deepen mutual understanding and political mutual trust, and jointly participate in the implementation of global security initiatives; deepen Pragmatic cooperation to jointly promote global development initiatives to take root in the region; strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchanges, deepen cooperation in education, cultural media and other fields; adhere to genuine multilateralism, promote the common values of all mankind, and create a better future together. China and India are both ancient oriental civilizations with a long history and splendid culture, two of the largest developing countries and emerging economies in the world today and the important members of multilateral organizations including G20, BRICS, SCO etc. The two countries should work

together and seek common development, which is of great significance to Asia and the world.Mr. Zha reviewed the touching examples of people in China and Eastern India helping each other to fight the pendemic, as well as a series of important activities held by the Consulate General since the beginning of this year, said that the Covid-19 pandemic has not blocked the friendship between the people of Eastern India and China, thanked people from all walks of life in Eastern India for their strong support for the work of the Consulate General. The Chinese Consulate General is willing to become a bridge for exchanges and cooperation between Eastern India and China, work together with friends from all walks of life to further strengthen local exchanges and cooperation between China and India, and inject new vitality into the development of bilateral relations.The foreign guests warmly congratulated the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, highly appreciated China’s great development achievements and the great work done by the Chinese Consulate General for strengthening

friendly cooperation and local exchanges between India and China, agreed that India and China share extensive common interests and look forward to working together to enhance India-China friendship and deepen practical cooperation in various fields.At the reception, the Kolkata Chinese Lion Dance Team performed a wonderful traditional Chinese lion dance. Promotional videos on China’s development achievements, beautiful scenery and other themes were also broadcast during the reception. Books and materials introducing China’s national conditions and friendly exchanges between China and India, as well as a series of cultural and creative products for the century of the founding of the CPC were distributed. The guests were very interested and responded positively.

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Arghya Deep

Arghya Deep

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