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Joint venture between Arcelor Mittal & Nippon Steel India launches its first-ever corporate brand campaign titled ‘Reimagineering’

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Joint venture between Arcelor Mittal & Nippon Steel India launches its first-ever corporate brand campaign titled ‘Reimagineering’

Joint venture between Arcelor Mittal & Nippon Steel India launches its   first-ever corporate brand campaign  titled ‘Reimagineering’
November 16
08:28 2022

Mumbai : A joint venture between ArcelorMittal and Nippon Steel, India two of the world’s leading steelmakers – launched its first corporate brand campaign, titled ‘Reimagineering’.

‘Reimagineering’, an amalgamation of the words reimagination and engineering – the campaign aims to promote the AM/NS India brand as being aligned with India’s ambitions and serves as a strategic business asset to the company and it will function as progressive lever to restructure India’s development over coming few decades. The brand reflects its new positioning statement: ‘Smarter Steels, Brighter Futures’ which draws our attention on the unique attributes of AM/NS India’s parent companies, which are globally recognised for their leadership in research and development, embrace of new technologies, and efforts to decarbonise the steel industry.
The theme and focus of the multi-channel campaign were created keeping in mind comprehensive research with internal and external AM/NS India stakeholders, conducted by a leading global branding agency.
Mr. Dilip Oommen, Chief Executive Officer, ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India (AM/NS India), said, “As a relatively new entrant to the Indian steel industry, this campaign reflects our energy and excitement about the potential we see for our sector. AM/NS India is young and dynamic. It has a sharp focus on business planning and execution. Above all, it is a responsible steelmaker, committed to safe, sustainable, and ethical business practices, and creating value for our communities, our employees, our customers and India. I am delighted to see these qualities embodied so aptly in our Reimagineering campaign.”
The advertisements have been created by a leading agency Creativeland Asia (CLA), showcasing AM/NS India’s vision for futuristic steels, aligning with India’s growth strategy. The campaign will be rolled out through a 360-degree media approach which includes television, print, digital media, Out-of-home (OOH) advertising, radio, etc.

About Author

Nitu Rai

Nitu Rai

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