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Signum Aristo Apartment Sets New Trend with Grand Durga Pujo Hoarding Photoshoot

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Signum Aristo Apartment Sets New Trend with Grand Durga Pujo Hoarding Photoshoot

Signum Aristo Apartment Sets New Trend with Grand Durga Pujo Hoarding Photoshoot
September 17
22:42 2023

Kolkata : In a remarkable departure from tradition, Signum Aristo, an apartment complex in North Kolkata, has established a new trend by organizing an extravagant photoshoot for their Durga Pujo hoarding. As they celebrate the 3rd year of Durga Pujo within their complex, they are determined to make it a grand celebration.

Avik Prasad Banerjee, a resident and active member of the organizing committee of Signum Aristo’s Durga Puja, expressed their enthusiasm, saying, “This year, we mark our 3rd year of Durga Pujo in our complex. Our budget may be limited, but our hearts are vast. We are determined to celebrate in grand style, setting a new trend for apartment pujas, akin to the grand barowari Durga Pujas.”

President Sandeep Pandya and Secretary Vivek Jaiswal highlighted the community spirit, stating, “We treat our apartment’s Pujo as a family celebration.”

The main hoarding photoshoot was conducted by internationally acclaimed Photo Journalist Kunal Roy Chowdhury, with assistance from Akash Bharati. The portrayal of Durga was expertly done by Rheya Adhikary, while makeup and hair were artfully handled by Piu Das.

Signum Aristo invites all readers and guests to join them in their unique and grand Durga Pujo celebration this year.

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