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Kolkata to Host Fashion Show Featuring Transgender, Plus-Size Models, and More

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Kolkata to Host Fashion Show Featuring Transgender, Plus-Size Models, and More

Kolkata to Host Fashion Show Featuring Transgender, Plus-Size Models, and More
September 28
18:56 2023

Kolkata : Kolkata is set to embrace diversity with the upcoming “Fashion from Future Fashion” show, catering to unmarried, married, transgender, and plus-size individuals, as well as photographers, fashion designers, makeup artists, and more. The event is organized by RD Films.

Speaking at a press conference held at the Press Club Kolkata today, Sumit Ganguly, representing RD Films, announced, “District-level auditions for the ‘Fashion from Future Fashion’ show will kick off after the Pujo festival. The grand finale of this fashion extravaganza is scheduled for January next year.”

The press conference also featured prominent personalities, including actress Meghna Haldar, Asima Chatterjee, actor Subrata Banerjee, nutritionist Anushree Mitra, and fashion designer Rajlakshmi Shyam, all showing their support for this inclusive fashion showcase.

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Arghya Deep

Arghya Deep

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